.1 Church Items. I Have it I keep in stock everything in Urn line of Hard, a hr yaa aaalfy lkk racary caa Supllcil. BONHAM. Tho official rojiort of the Mnino Investigation committee will be formally received by tho presi dent to-day. A potition signed by Gca W.
King and others, will bo presented to Governor Holcomb on April 2nd, asking tliut the fino against J.E Anderaon for vlnlatlng tho liquor law, be remitted. Tho annual meeting for tho purpose of electing a beard of direct- i ware and Furniture, and in pinntitlra to suit the demands of all. Just name What You want And you will get it without delay. Others say, Wait a few days and well order for you.1 Hut hero you are served At Once. V.
I make a tqiucialty of handling the very best class of goods in my lino, and if you want Hardware at tli right price, como to tho store of oro for tho Goring Bolldlng andl Bojptamooltag. ban AModatlon, .01 bo hold bo hold ouch Sondojr oftor tho bank on tho evening of April NEBRASKA HOMESTEAD, x-rvauaai at-. O. 33. M-AXtKL TO HOMESTEAD kluW 1 Oriiif.
Katwfca, la UML IUwblhM Why Mek (at, lad la llw Oflkilkl 1 hpati mu Niui Canal. TKBMft or aVIMCHIPTinS. BIjOB Jwar la ulnae, If mt paid la aaaaw. Inland al Ika Saitac, arhnata ran Ota aa ciaaa anil auuiar. Correspondence.
MITCHELL. Work is resumed on the ditch. The dunco at Vay Smith's was a success in every sense of the word. It scums as though every one lias a cold. The weather is as uncertain and llcklo as a woman.
Vay Smith's child, Kem. was rolling hogs the other day, and in ewingingtlieropearound his head, the end with the knot on caught on his neck and the loop caught the hog and it run with him to the liay stock; dragging him until he was unenneious for two hours. He can rope like a cow boy, and is not over two and a half years old. There are some men in this volley that deserve to bo horsewhipped for their cruelty to dumb animals. One got mad at a horse because it did not go to suit him, and took out his knife and nearly entoffits ear, another liod the tails to tho singletree in fly time, because they annoyed him.
Such men deserve to bo brought bo-fore the court and made to suffer to the full extent of the law. TUE FRM BEERS, Gering, Neb 4th. R. A. Brashcar this week purchased J.
G. End's interest in tho New Restaurant, and tho firm name, is now Brasliear A Smith. Tho boys will undoubtedly become popular caterers to the public and enjoy a liberal patronage. A. C.
Bingham closes his singing class at lower Mitchell tomorrow night (Saturday) with vocal concert. He will be assisted by several Goring voices, making a chorus of 3 voices. A varied program -will bo ronderel, petition that is being circulated, with organ' and trombone accent-1 to ask any or every member of paniment An admission price oar society, personally, if she act-of 10 and 13 conts will bo charged. cd from malicions motives when Owing to tho cold, stormy she consontol to bear her share Tho Methodists will hold a convention In Goring April tfth. i tiler and G1 vons at the Christian lull next Thursday evening.
All invitod. A large audionco attended tho union temperance mooting at tho hall lust Sunday evening. Presiding Elder Leonard was recently thrown from a buggy, breaking one of his ribs. Tho Telegraph notes that W. Ilill, founder of tho Cosmopolitan Church" was to lecture in "Tdy, Mil tTodoc- day evenings of this week.
A Junior Christian Endeavor society was organized lust Sun Womans Column. CatfarM by aal lb. hum! uf Ik. C.T. 0 Tho next mooting of the W.
C. T. U. will bejiold at Mrs. Cochrans on Thursday afternoon at 8 Tho chargo of "malice in tho action that the members of tho W.
C. T. U. of Goring took against Joo Anderson, is as false es any nntrath that was ever told. Wo challenge tho originators of tho of resjionsihility in searching tho various piaeos where it was suspected that liquor was being sold illegally.
We with to say for our president that she was no more responsible for that action than was any other member of tho society. It was rco boxo rrouco, and that alcne. And who dares impugn tho motives of the women who constituted the society at that time? We had no malice toward any ono and whoever has signod that petition believing that tho arrest, of Mr. Anderson was for spite work has been wholly deceived. The fact that ho was found gui'ty of the charges preferred against him, shows that it was a just case.
V. I. Prarrara. For meeting of April 1st: DAVID OOPPERFIELD. -life of Logan Synopsis of Chapters 1 to 10 i Mrs.
RS. Wood Music Mrs. King Reading from 5th Chapter Mrs. Chamberlain Current events. The Assdciatlon will meet with Mrs.
'1 M. R. Woon, Soc'y. W. C.
T. B. Trpla Prfroa. To be give at Cochran A Logan's hall, Tuesday evening Mar. 29, 1898; at 750 p.
-Opening Song Solo History at the Temple. Burgcis How bur Temple grows. Ida Adrews Howto Mahcy Roberts Dialogue What the Child-. ren can dof, riv; Scng-Ring-a-ting-tlng'? tjs if icpa Ha vflOmi Tableau Tempted 1 'V-'; Tlio Tem pie Z. Lackey Propltecy btlho Temple.
Fahtrim'lnialli'nitp-litivl TTr.iin1'-1 PntembneLlBlfghted Hc-iios Mr; bnd Mrs. ii L' ltoymcnd i 1 A1 i lYAXTKD.TKI-RTWOKTIir AX? ACTIVK toMM la Nnm.lu. Maalhl BUM M.iprMM. PM.Iaa alMd. Hrtmnrr.
Ka-rtia aiiaiiir h.iIom. Tka llw lalalaa CgaiiM, lto4 Don't attnnjr nthm by ymir rnngh-Ing, ami rink juiir llfn by imglrvling a mill. (In Miimiw Cmigh Cura rum rough, cnlil, rriHii, gr.i)M and all hi al and lung trvurl Kl W. En dirly. Ths Milling has bran tn aril by tba IbuMind at 3ou pr nwl nr 17.00 per ton.
Oimiaay la also rrady tn buy Iwrlry and enrn. 7-if Mxrtik Cckixo, Mgr. If T01 Wait PUT DOWN PROMPTLY AND AS COOD AS ANYONE CAN DO IT. AND AT AS LOW A PRICE AS ANYONE CAN 1 A JOB, ADDRESS FRED J. HAWLEY.
t-rmig, i Nrhraiika. Information that informs, If yuu era going uny. wlwn and warn In knuw whut thw (rip will uuri -wkenyuurrach yourdaM tinaiinn and why you bould Uka thh Burling. Ion to Oniahi, Kamaa City. Chicago, Loula, Dunvar, Butla, Han FrancUco, Balt Lake' City and pointa beyond, vlg wrila to lha undmralgnpd and ncira by return mall, a letter gir irg you EXACTLY tiia luforma Ion you nd.
J. Fbaxcib. gnt. Omaha. Nebraska.
Poor Economy Ba roonomieal in all thlnga and aa. panlally Kara your bnota and abnea ra. wired when they need It. 1 Thafa gwnd eonomr. I warrant all my Shop with A Sharer.
CHAS. EIKENBERRY. s. JSWELSR axid WATCH i Jr AU work guaranteed. Bring your1 olm-ka and watchra and have them put In gnod ordnr at imali xpane.
lixir work dime Iq Mreral stylaa. GeRIXO, l- Tho Homestead and tho Kansas City Journal, both ono year or IL23. TO Cl'KI A COLD IS ONE DAY. Till1 Uronin Qninlm Tab-IH. All i n-fuml ilia nwny If It fiiili lii rani.
XAc. For Bale at tho Mill. First-class (mod wheat all cleaned up, or cash only. M. Geiuxc, lm Manager.
TIim iiv llin IiiiIk tiling nl.Ii li'ilo nn-ni wink ilinn mijr inln-r tlir.1 li'll ihingM t-i'enli il llii-j" aru in aii. Ilm to il Di-WinV lJiil Kailv UI-m. ilit- Iiuil liriiig llni fnnN.uii lilt I rtl' fur Mt-qnurh ami ilvi-r K. V. Kn Nr lulc-Ubrnl OTrr.
iiiin.ilur mir near inunthlj -Aiuriiran Pnpiilnr MuirtM wa n.ak fh full.iring litoral uffrr: Srnd im tlw name nf I lima nr nnmi perform-rr im the jiitno nr nrgnp, and lift. mils In nnHiry nr poMtag and ra will mail yna slxtnn Mgn nf the liitrat mp-ular Ming two at p. lr full ahnrt muh. arranged for piann nr organ, and Amrrirjn Tiiiiilar MuhUi, for-tbra numlb AlhllriM, PnreLAH MCSIC I Indianaimlia, Iml. Thr lVuplr nr il.r PmllrLu, -On nf the pulili ijm-iMioii.
wliii-li are mining iii al nil for erllln-mrnl I Hi riijii.iliiir. in intnidiii- ii-n-ct h-uUlHiioii through tin Inllinlirr ami rvfiuem'iiin Kiry roir nuglii In lli mihji-ri, and nn Ion nuidw a NN-ini an angniiii, hy wliii-li aan our Ito Rtinilih'i immi-il, wlih-li gir a i-h-ai sihnnilinii ni the wlml rnl-jn-l. tn mil Mill Aihln-m till nllJi e. Wo are in rccoipt of a circular letter from IL IL Hanna, chairman of the executive committees of the Indianapolis convention, saying that they will soon undertake an educational campaign on the monoy quostionby supplying free to all newspapers that will uso them, supplements, ready print matter or plates, to be used in the interest of currency reform. We caa not but bo Impressed with the.
patriotic generosity of those defenders of national honor, who, out of theldnd-ness of their own hearts and with no hopo of compensation, ore willing to pay a large part of the expenses of running the newspapers of this country in order that the common pooplo of the "agricultural may have a system of currency more in the interests those geld aristocrats love the poor man! IIow we love Mr. Han- na too; becausa lie'offars to bear the oxponse of runnlngou paper I But we; can't ac- jedpt' your i form" whi generous offerWe sdvoimtes, and wo. wiU continue it is difficult at times for ut to weather and the serious sickness of Dr. Long thero has not been much done on any of tho mining claims this week. All gold bearing grave Hands have been filed upon however, and whut work has been done by panning has provod very satisfactory.
Those having had experience in placer mining pronounce this all right, Mr. Harry West, of Collins, who; by the way has spont most cf bis lilo among the placer mines, says that he thinks they have a good thing here," Mr. West is expected down in a few days when a thorough test will be mode, on some or several of the claims in the vicinity, Bayard BIRTHS. Born, on Saturday, March 10th to Mr. and Mrs.
IL Loach, of Mitchell, a daughter, weight 2 lbs. Born on Tuesday, March 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson of Mitchell, an eleven pound girL Born, to Mr. and Mrs.
Busch, of Tabor, on Wednesday, of this week, a daughter. RrpiibllcM Rnlerh For the benefit of those wishing to takes good republican news paper we have made arrangements by which our subscribers may be supplied with the Kansas City Journal at much less- than the usual price. We offer the Homestead and Journal bothbue year to cash Subscribers for only La Special Prcachlap Sarrleea. There will bdl services hold at ball next Thursday evening by Elder S. Miller, one of the best known tho ministers of the Christian church in this state, assisted by ProL R.
Givens, loader in charge of the song These gentlemen are work-ing under -tho diroctlon of the MINATARE. Mr. Catlin is very low. Millie Shirk is visiting in Gcr- 3- Swindell ondPowell are hauling baled hay to Gering. Rev.
S. EL Paine is sick at Bay-. ard with rheumatism. -Hot beds are the order of tho day, and seeding will soon follow. The gold, the railroad and irrigation are not dead issues In this locality.
Some new work is being done on the sidehill ditch by Swindell and Shirk. Frank Johnson closes very successful school this week in District 2. D. C. Craig is now a resident of this precinct, having moved to the Cox place.
There is no school at the Red Top this week on account of the sickness of the teacher. George Harshman has pur-chased a new wagon. He will farm Mrs. Lend ram's place. C.
M- Baysingervent over to Banner county Saturday and brought back his fanning mill J. 3L Detrick has yellow amber sugar cane seed to give to the neighbors He aims to runs mill In the falL 'i Juergens has retunied from Omaha with Mr a Juergens, L. the doctors there not being able do anything' for Dick Ervin has' returned, from Chadrcm, not having gonetoArr kansas as he expected to daV tie could not get his cattle on ac- of thequarantine. Jf'l2 Detrick from "'Dawes county. Thursday, accom ponied by; Frank Babcockshd family who will try their fortune 1 in this locality, Mr Babcock also rapects his brother and family hi SolihMyMttUoftlio Fou I state board as eyangolista, with tain.v Mr.
J. T. O. Stewart grand success, and Will bo doubtV iSr-ng-Rfse, Temitle Rise.Chorus holds good gospel meeting vCooy Jewell, Solilcbuv-M kinds neatly and I -v promplyrdpne. if.
'irh -f a from Central City soon. r'4 iw foj-yrftV-d IhaAerylceAWlllcohtinne Friday abd Saturday evening an tyraT dav mornimr and evanintr. whnn day.mwmihg and evening, hon; jther pnncbxiimfbt wilhe I uarantee I'. made. Everybody, isWdially'Qurtrtotto "iiu lfi ibyiied atteirinlarly.
10 ceni to go in-.